News and recent activities
Future of Transition – meet up Attendees of our recent meetings seem keen to make meetups a regular occurrence so check the diary or website events listing – all welcome! Planting and Growing and Wilding Our sites at Tamworth Street and Festival Gardens are coming along nicely and we have been getting some great feedback from passers-by. We always ask them to post on social media about their joy and also to tell LDC and LCC so that they get a balanced view – the complainers tend to be the ones that get their voices heard! Thanks to our regular volunteers for their help and also to Carrie and Sadie from the Real Wedding Collective shop on Tamworth Street who have been watering the tree and plants for us! Nice to get a local business involved. Nurture Community CIC have just kicked off their ‘Growing Communities’ project. It will involve a wide range of groups/age ranges - from people in care homes right down to toddler groups - learning about growing vegetables, fruit, herbs etc. They will plant the seeds, tend to them, harvest and then cook what they have grown. Watch out for updates on this. Further information can be found here. The ‘No Mow May’ initiative What are your thoughts on the council’s No Mow May project? SCC, LDC, LCC and other Parish Councils all joined in with this initiative and we have yet to see any feedback on how they thought it went. Many people have said how much they have enjoyed seeing the roadsides full of buttercups, dandelions, oxeye daisies and poppies. Some places have never been allowed to flourish and it has been amazing to see the result of not being cut. Transition are happy to gather your feedback and pass it on, so do let us know your thoughts and send photos too. Repair Café’s ‘Thrift Fest’ The 17th June repair session in Lichfield was enhanced with a new initiative – a ‘Thrift’ festival! The idea was to show people how to make the most of the things that they already have, whether that be making better use of your sewing machine, upcycling clothes to turn them into other outfits or items, making your own cleaning materials, growing your own veg and making compost, keeping your bike in good repair, knowing what certain tools can be used for, advice on reusable nappies, reducing your food waste and buying zero waste/packaged items. Two local traders joined in too, to show off their amzing selection of products that are made from using scrap items or everyday objects. It was a great success and enjoyed by all. Thanks as always to all the participants. The CO2 Bubble This representation of a tonne of CO2 will be visiting Lichfield on 2nd August – Beacon Park – from 10am. This 10-meter installation that helps people visualize how their daily activities can impact carbon emissions. The bubble will be accompanied by staff from local council climate change teams who will provide advice and tips to help residents reduce their carbon footprint. Full details can be found here. It is certainly a good talking point! Transition will have a stand there too so please let us know if you are able to help with that.
We have come a long way in quite a short time! And getting positive feedback from passers-by is a bonus!
The bed planted to encourage wildlife is looking pretty and the crab apple tree is healthy and starting to fruit already. Get in touch if you fancy helping to maintain the site (and the Festival Gardens one too!). Our thanks go to Sadie and Carrie at The Real Wedding Collective on Tamworth Street for taking on watering duties for us! |
December 2024
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